During the week – (February 27- March 3) in Catania, students had different experiences, impressions and this is what they tell about it.
Goda Mickeviciute (Form 7b) says:
Monday was the first day of our Project.We all were in a very good mood and ready for various activities and adventures. In the morning we all gathered at school and watched the children's show. We were warmly welcomed Then, after a short rest and some snacks we went to the mayors of that town.There we communicated and had some pictures taken.We were given very nice gifts, The mayors also treated us with traditional Italian dessert.After all that pleasant meeting with the mayors we had delicious dinner and tried some pasta and cheese,steaks,buns, fruit and cakes.The dinner was really gorgeous! After the dinner we returned to school to present our reports and listen to the reports, presented by other students .The presentations were very interesting, all the countries had prepared them perfectly well. As for me, I liked the presentation of Slovenia most. And our presentations were good too. To tell the truth, there could have been something we were wrong but nobody got angry for that, all were smiling and listening attentively.After this tense day we all returned to the families we were staying at, had supper with them and interesting talks about our countries.

Simonas Melaika (Form 8a) says:
Just when we arrived in the sunny island, the Etna volcano, sitting there, started “greeting” us. On Monday evening, from our house there were clearly seen rivers of lava, squirting from the huge mountain. As soon as I saw them I thought, “After all, we will climb this restless volcano!” On sunny Tuesday morning we set out for our trip to Etna. Soon we were there and started our trekking tour. Explosions of the volcano could be heard. Our guide told us to follow in his footsteps. He was walking where he knew the snow was the thickest as he didn’t want us to crack in the snow. During our tour, we admired the stunning scenery, different sized craters, unseen plants and rising columns of smoke. We came to a mountain hut, where we grabbed our snacks, and shared impressions with friends. Later, we went to another slope of the mountain to see more craters, climb them and take wonderful photos. We got some time to shop for souvenirs and try local sweets. I will never forget the majesty and beauty of this fascinating mountain. The afternoon was dedicated for spending time with our families. Then we also had unforgettably wonderful time.

Austeja Jureviciute (Form 7b):
On Wednesday at about 8:30, the students with their teachers went to Taormina, a resort town in Mesina province. Here the students visited the ruins of the second largest ancient theatre in Sicily. It was very impressive. Then all the teams had lunch in a restaurant close to the Mediterranean Sea. During the lunch we relaxed a little as in the afternoon we visited two more towns- Acitrezza and Acicastella. Again we admired fascinating sights walking by the sea there. In the evening the students came back to their families and teachers were taken to the hotel. All seen will remain for long.
Augustas Horban (Form 7c) says:
On Thursday the day started as usually. We met in the school yard at 8`o clock and departed to Castiglione gole dell`Alcantara park. There you can see the Alcantara Gorges. Sadly, near the park, the river in the gorge was flooded so we could not walk to the river using the tourist route, but still we were able to visit the river using a more scenic route. Walking along it we admired really beautiful scenery. During our walk we were able to see a hydro power station and climb a bridge over the river. Later our group visited an ancient Byzantine church. We could not enter it but we were able to see the inside of it. After some time we were taken to a farm for lunch. The lunch was typical of Italians- pasta and sausages. We stayed there for about two hours. It was a really warm day so everyone was sad to leave. Our group got back to town in the evening. Our families picked us up. I am grateful to the hosting family who drove us, me and Simonas, back to Catania`s center. There I was able to admire the architecture of the city and learn about the city’s origin. The day was very interesting and full of unforgettable impressions.
On Friday the students joined Italian classes and studied together. They had a possibility and interest to compare their and Italians’ lessons.
Goda Mickeviciute says:
Friday was the last day of our Project. We participated in some lessons and watched their students working. I had a perfect opportunity to watch two lessons of physical education, one music lesson and one art lesson. Their physical education lessons are similar to ours. During the lesson students play some sportive game, jog and exercise. The music lesson I watched was different from our music lesson in Lithuania.We sing at our lessons and Italian students play the fifes (dūdeles). Teachers conduct their playing. Students hear the melody recorded and echo it.If somebody fails to do it, the teacher explains the fault and asks the student to play solo. I enjoyed watching this lesson. The art lesson was no less interesting. The students were sketching various drawings and talking, sharing their impressions. They invited us to join them and draw, but we refused. After the lessons we all had pizza hour and were treated with different kinds which all were very delicious! We had a merry time talking, playing and telling jokes.
Augustas Horban:
On Friday we went to lessons with the local children. I have to say, it was very interesting. We were assigned to the same class as our temporary family child. So Simonas and I were together. The first lesson was, well… we didn’t really understand what the first lesson was. It was like an hour with the class. We were talking and telling each other about our school affairs. The fun thing was that we went outside. PE was the second. During it the children split up into groups and participated in competitions. The third lesson was Maths. It was interesting to know that Geometry and Algebra are separate lessons, unlike in Lithuania. After that we had Art. We were painting. The lesson was similar to ours, just like it would have been in our country. Sadly we participated only in four lessons.
Austeja Jureviciute says:
On Friday I had 6 lessons. Most of the time we were playing table games. In the PE lesson students were playing volleyball. In the Religion lesson the teacher was reading books and the students were listening to him. The children and teachers were very friendly. Comparing the lessons in Italy and in Lithuania I would like to mention than teachers in Italy choose traditional teaching-books, hand writing and in Lithuania into traditional lessons they integrates modern learning devices for example computers and IT technologies. For that lessons in Lithuania are more involving than in Italy.