Panevezys "Sauletekis"
progymnasium participates in the "Green Europe" project of the
Erasmus + 2nd General Education Sectoral Strategic Partnership. It is a
multilateral project that promotes active cooperation between schools in
different countries.
Starting in 2016, the project is being
implemented for the second year. During this period, teachers from Italy,
Latvia, Slovenia, Poland and Lithuania, with their student groups, visited each
other for learning purposes, studied the nature of European countries,
introduced their own problems and sought solutions to them. Students, living in
the partner's peers' families and studying in the joint activity, had great
opportunities to get to know the culture of other countries, expand their
horizons, improve their English language, find new friends, communicate in a
virtual environment.
This spring, 7 to 11 May the last
meeting of the project partners took place at "Sauletekis"
progymnasium. Students and teachers participated in various activities
throughout the week. On Monday, all pupils - 4 from each country - gathered at
the first acquaintance lesson (English teacher E. Šukienė). After that, the guests
welcoming event was attended by the teachers and pupils attending the school. It
was fun to see the seventh formers performance (English teacher R.
Beinartaitė), to listen to choir songs (music teacher V. Skukauskienė), but the
most intriguing were guest's presentations, prepared in their native language.
After this event, the guests at the school together with the students of the
progymnasium gathered at the school gallery (technology teacher and head of
photography club, V.Karosas) to see the photography exhibition "Fragile
Nature's World".
All were interested to see the photos of
schoolchildren representing the natural beauty of different countries as well
as environmental problems at the international photography exhibition. On the
first day, guests were also invited to a school excursion. It was interesting
and useful for everyone to get acquainted with the features of our school, to
compare them and to communicate. After that, the students presented the
prepared "Decalogues of the Young Naturalist" and collaborated on
letters to the President of the European Parliament on "Let’s save Green
Europe". Letters of a student from each school were sent to the President
of the European Parliament.
In the afternoon, guests visited the
municipality to meet the vice mayor of Panevezys, Aleksas Varna. Participants
had the opportunity to get acquainted with the present day and future of
Panevezys. Later, a trip to Panevezys, and after which the educational program presented
the nowadays and prospects of Panevezys and attracted the attention of the
city's guests. During all the visits, the partners of the project “Green Europe”
try to get acquainted with the nature, flora and fauna of the visited country.
So, when visiting Lithuania, guests went to Anykščiai, Krekenava regional park,
Kernavė, Trakai and Vilnius and became acquainted with Lithuanian nature,
culture and history.
On the last day of the visit, on Friday,
students took part in lessons - non-verbal workshops (art teachers D.
Kalendienė and V. Balčiūnienė), as well as language lessons (in English -
teacher Z. Girdvainienė, in German - teacher D. Gedeikienė, in Russian -
teacher D.Šedienė) and music lesson (teacher V. Skukauskienė).
At that time, at the meeting the
teachers discussed innovative teaching methods in English lessons, and
discussed project issues as well. Also on May 11 Jovita Neliupšienė, Ambassador
at the Lithuanian Permanent Representation to the European Union, who was
visiting the school, arrived at the meeting with participants of the Erasmus +
project Green Europe. It was interesting to listen to the Ambassador talking about
the institutions of the European Union and the most important issues of the EU.
She shared her thoughts on how it is being debated before making a number of
important decisions. The Ambassador drew the students to take interest in
various European topics.
After the lunch, participants were awarded
with certificates. Everyone was pleased that participation in the Erasmus +
Green Europe project has been beneficial, diversified, enabling them not only
to learn in a different environment, but also to promote responsible European
citizenship. We, “Sauletekis” teachers and students who participated in this
project, had the opportunity to spread the message about Lithuania and discover
interesting and valuable innovations.
Regina Beinartaitė
The coordinator of the project at
Panevezys “Sauletekis” Progymnasium